"New life" |
Some STATS: My blog has been visited 24,380 times! That is worth mentioning. Somehow most people read my post "Sweet-talking Japanese girls". 6473, to be exact. According to my blogger friend Ross this is because people actually search "Japanese girls" on Google. I decided I will write about Japanese girls more often but I should probably come up with some new info on them. I have my resources for that but I wont get any new info first hand.
I have become a father recently! Since 6 Months I have a beautiful son named Samuel Vincent Tedla. He got my first name as his second name because this is a tradition in Eritrea, where his mother is from. He got her last name as his last name because there a plenty of people with my last name already and because she did all the hard work!
More stats: Two years ago exactly, 1700 people read my blog in one Month. That was the record till now. Don't remember exactly what I did to get that record. I do recall that I had put some extra effort in it back then. With a little help from Ross (New Adventures in Backpacking).
Well. This is my latest blog. It ain't much but at least check out my latest photo of the week!
Keep me posted!