In advertising or photography the WOW effect has several meanings. One is the one that is shown on the photograph under this text. Where all of the photo has been unsaturated and one wowwy part has kept it's original colour, automatically drawing the eye. While travelling you get a lot of wow. Sometimes so many that at some point you may actually become blasé. Pardon my French. When I travel for my tour company,
djoser, we travel at a fast pace. Often having so many new impressions that we hardly have time to realise where we are! I suffer from that sometimes. Travel fatigue should be solved by slowing down your pace and reflecting. Unfortunately this is often very hard when I work, and I even find it hard when I travel on my own. Something I will contemplate on. Will get back to this topic. In Geography we sometimes refer to the fast world and the slow world. For instance, Shanghai is part of the fast world, while in the Chines countryside there maybe places that are still part of the slow world. No internet, electricity, noise etcetera. During my trips I travel with people from the fast world, passing by people from the slow world. Like a whirlwind. come to think of it... I have so many examples of this that I will post some more characteristic pictures on the topic later.
Himba tribe - Kamanjab - horizontally mirrored |
Himba tribe - Kamanjab - original way |
When I see something as picturesque as this... I slow down. This is the slow world. Here everything stops. Freezes. And I am so happy I have been able to take this shot. One of my very, very best. More will follow.
Click on the photo to see it in large size. By the way, it is also stated in the imaging world, that western people prefer to look at a photo that is oriented from left to right above one that goes from right to left. Do you in this case concur?
Let me know in your comment!